Update One New Song The Beast of Heaven and Different Name to The Rain: Tenth Song Done #album #richinwar #lorijeanfinnila Leave This World #abuse

I added The Beast of Heaven (at the bottom) song because I felt it was smart. I was having trouble recording Simplicity. A bit of change in the lyrics to It Wasn't Going to Change as well about a girl leaving a marriage that she entered to abandon abuse in her home. The entire updated playlist so far is here: Soundcloud I remember my mom tying me to the cellar stairs when I was still in diapers. My aunt would come over and see me and be in tears and my mother would talk her thinking it was okay. My sister would come home from school and want to cry and my mother would teach her to ignore me. Later it would be a closet and then no Novocaine at the dentist; it would make me strong she would say. This is where I came up with this song. I may make some minor changes down the road. Photo courtesy NY Times Ten Songs for Album I Am Loved The Rain Rich in War (title song) Life Before You Am I Awake Simplicity It Wasn't Going to Change (new as well) Way Too Early ...