
Showing posts from May, 2016

Ooooh wow!😘❤️🙏 #fadeoutandaway #radioairplay #theshiftradio #cdreleaseparty #august #thebarnlight

Ooooh wow! 😘❤️🙏 Just thinking @ this.   Fade Out and Away Video by Lori Jean  Opening party @NYCFactoryFast #thebarnlight 8/20 3:00

#teensatcrossroads cd1 #lorijean #lorifinnila

I'm putting together a panel of younger adults to help me design the cd that would be geared toward selling. A bit of an older group would be marketed to (18-35) to ensure sales. The songs, cover design, marketing strategies, dispensing, will all be decided by the panel. I'll be the artist for now, since there's 1 right now, me. Down the road I envision a store where kids, young adults, work, run, and pick the merchandise, and for other artists to collaborate with their gifts as well.

Half Hour of Portuguese Singer and Songwriter Lori Jean at Spotify #spotify #playlist #lorijean #portuguese

I put together all my songs on Spotify. Please sit back and enjoy yourself. Portuguese Singer Lori Jean at Spotify

"What About Good Old Eve" by LoriJean #lorijean #youtube #lorifinnila #whataboutgoodoldeve

The full song on video at YouTube. This is something that the music distributors seem to be doing now for music releases. It's great. What About Good Old Eve at YouTube

Ok kids, reaching 2 u #sharelove #teensatcrossroads

Ok kids, reaching 2 u #sharelove @TheShiftStudios #teensatcrossroads #homelessteens EP 4 U Link to EP and iPhone Ringtones here.

Remembering my Pepe #memorialday #WWII #navy #finnila

Here's a song I wrote for my Pepe:!1480&authkey=!AJurJJ_2GratqZE&ithint=file%2cm4a Past Dedications to Weiko Finnila .  Pg. 12

Same Page as Adele #shefindsthechordsherself Lori Jean at Vevo #nedeuphorya #vevo #lorijean

Same page as Adele. I can handle that. Moving up a step. I'm with the big leagues now. Lori Jean at Vevo #NowWatching She Finds the Chords Herself by Lori Jean on @vevo

Was Played at The Bog on XRPRadio #xrpradio #uk #scotland #thebog #lorijean #music

Always appreciate my Scotland friends that helped me to continue my music and still support me. 😘😘❤️❤️

Replay TwoMuchT Radio - Lori Jean Talks About Music and Life #lorijean #music #love #giving #twomucht


Over 1 Million Views #factoryfastrecords #lorijean

This is what a label does for you. Thxs Factory Fast Records!! This is my Lori Finnila Music Google Plus Page. 

On a Community Radio Panel Tomorrow 5/27

Twomucht Blogtalk Radio 3:30 pm PST 1 (646) 478-0188 Will be introduced as a singer and songwriter and talk community. Please call in and join into the conversation. Twomucht

Interview Granting Favor Talk Radio #lorijean #woman #beautifulmagic #grantingfavortalkradio #mylife #discoveredinmy50s

My exciting upcoming interview with the beautiful Shannon Oates Barnes of Granting Favor Talk Radio. Come listen to me talk, answer questions, some of my music clips, and all about me being discovered to my music in my 50's. Call in with questions or comments, or to just say "Hi" to me. I'd love to hear from you!! ❤️❤️😘😘👍👍 Granting Favor Talk Radio

Vlog for Preparations for CD Release Party andPerformance #factoryfastrecords #lorijean #thebarnlight #eugene

Follow along with me in video as I prepare for my CD Release Party and Performance Event at The Barn Light Cafe and Bar in Eugene, OR. If you miss a video of what I'm working on towards the event with my event preparations you can go to the pages tab and find all the videos there under the Vlog tab. I'll be making one entire movie of all of them to share at the end too. I hope you enjoy this one. I'm checking the Booked Venue out-it's area of business and inside the event room. Beautiful! Wow! August 20, 2016 545 East 8th Avenue Eugene, OR  3:00-5:00 pm PST  Many hotels close by. The Hyatt for one. Fade Out and Away by Lori Jean This is an intro video to one of the songs in the release cd that's being produced by label Factory Fast Records. Check out some more highlights here:  Lori Jean on Soundcloud

#tarbaby Taste #lifeissweet "What About Good Old Eve" by Lori Jean Published 2016 Lori Finnila

Come for a stroll. Full length song. . Cool pictures.

Lori Jean Featured in TJ's MuseBoat Las Vegas Chat Show

Come listen to my introduction to " Super Lady " on MuseBoat radio and the reaction to it along with other great artists this Sunday on the Chat Show    2:00pm PST May 29. 

#3 iTunes Charts #whataboutgoodoldeve #lorijean #music #itunes

Missed this one. 

Lori Jean – What About Good Old Eve – Single [iTunes Plus AAC M4A]

Lori Jean – What About Good Old Eve – Single [iTunes Plus AAC M4A]

God is With Me Today #xrpradio #uk #scotland #lorijean #alittlelovefromyou

XRP Radio ( @XRPRadio ) 5/24/16, 1:44 PM #nowplaying   @lorifinnila  2  #request  &  #download   #live  on  @XRPRadio   #home  of  #unsigned  &  #independent  - Download  the Twitter app Sent from my iPhone

#Norway Top Charts #26 What About Good Old Eve #lorijean #musicikihika

Norway Charts

#iTunes #iTopCharts #whataboutgoodoldeve #lorijean #music #factoryfastrecords

iTunes iTopCharts "What About Good Old Eve" by Lori Jean What About Good Old Eve

Charts Again!! Yeah Up to #51 #resurrectmyhome #loveu #museboatradio

Thanks to yo my loves for pushing me up to #51 this week. I'm stoking!!! Please keep it up. Vote Resurrect My Home

Teens at Crossroads #johnnysinmars #lorijean #music


Selected to Perform at Cannes in France #france #meme #pepe #honor #lorijean

You Have Been Selected to Perform at Coast 2 Coast LIVE | Cannes France Edition June 6th 2016 Lori Finnila <> What an honor. I don't have the upfront costs. Please keep me in mind. Sent from my iPhone  3:40p Coast 2 Coast LIVE <> Fri 5/20/2016 12:02 PM To:; You replied on 5/20/2016 3:40 PM. Evernote   Thank you for your submission to Coast 2 Coast LIVE we are pleased to tell you that you have been selected to perform at Coast 2 Coast LIVE | Cannes France Edition June 6th 2016!

Fellow Portugese Singer 'Nelly Furtado' #nellyfurtado #lorijean #music

Warner Music Latina ( @warnermusiclat ) 5/19/16, 6:06 AM A  @Tommy_Torres   #throwback  to start the day⛅ Watch "Sin Ti (feat.  @NellyFurtado  )" here:… Download  the Twitter app Sent from my iPhone

Published in SoAgeless #rockermom #lorijean

Ageless Provocateur: "What Could I Do at My Age of 50?"  Article Link

Audio "Highlight" Factory Fast Records Solo CD Release of Lori Jean

                                                                 He Holds Me Right

Picked by Press Today!! #lorijean #release #music Yeah!!! 😘😘😘

The Music Today Icono Square Muzoic

So Stoking!! On a Friend's Playlist #hometown

I'm on a friend's playlist from my hometown yeah!!! 

It's Up!! Yeah #lorijean #release #factoryfastrecords #whataboutgoodoldeve

Yeah!! I did it right. The song is up. I'll see you at 3:00pm PST  What About Good Old Eve - Single by Lori Jean Sorry, it didn't go up as free. The publishers want their money too. My legal name is under the publishing though. I like that enjoy. It should be streaming everywhere. 100's of stores. Don't forget, Factory Fast Records is coming out with the CD with this in it!!  Spotify

ExtremelyPleased #lorijean #fulfilling #selfworth #writing #release #performing

Filling my spare hours with intellect of my gifts to writing. It feels great and the content is worthy. I can see my path to self worth developing nicely. My single, " What About Good Old Eve ," should be out tomorrow as well at iTunes. Which I'm so excited. I love to see who I'm played next to on the digital streaming sites. I do this as teasers to more professionally distributed music of mine from Factory Fast Records. This gives you an idea to see how my solo CD will be coming out. This song should be free. Quite a few of the songs on the CD to come you can only get from them. I've been practicing singing for my few minute performance of the song. I may do it on the run and take a break outdoors and join you that way. Don't forget, I'm on periscope at 3:00pm PST tomorrow to sing the song for you. I've been practicing and listening to the song until I get sick. I hope you appreciate the performance. See you tomorrow. And don't forget to

#comedancewithme Having Fun with This One #lorijean #music

I hope you as much fun with this one as I had making it. 🤗🌞!1422&authkey=!AHHZ-dgrFRIRTyI&ithint=file%2cwav

#nomic #tweetinglikeabird #lorijean #music

Practicing my song, "I Put on My Gloves." Pretty cool without a mic. The more I scream the stronger my voice gets. And when I push myself to practice like this, though I get physically tired more, my head focuses much better for the week. It's amazing how much singing brings all that extra oxygen to your head and body. Was hard at first, but well worth it. Tweeting like a bird. Coming naturally too.

Featured #countrymixreel #lorijean

An old song and joy of me, badly recorded, but my heart beats ❤️❤️❤️

#amazing Few #days #lorijean #magic

I've had the most AMAZING few days of adventure and opportunity. I was accepted for a lifelong hobby-type dream job. I have my completion towards being a produced label artist (not by myself either) of music, and I finally have my first PAID gig to this tentatively booked and lined up at prestigious 4 star venue (I will be making posters to this and passing them around-excited about this too.) My plan to my idea of success is definitely happening. And it is so true, if you fail plan to plan, you plan to fail. I had been constantly setting up a list of activities to do toward my goals of my dream. Though I may have had to change it many times, and I'm sure this will continue, the outcome to my  dreams of the action would always come true and even larger than expected in a course change. My adventures of leisure time have been so rewarding with the MANY talented artists that are in or come to my area. The rewards have been refreshing. I've been practicing constantly for stage

50 #motivation Statements Love this!! #thoughts #powerful #lorijean

I got this from International Screenwriters Association. Many of the statements resonate immediately and lock in positive, fruitful thoughts. 

"What About Good Old Eve" by Lori Jean (videoclip) #whataboutgoodoldeve #release #lorijean

"What About Good Old Eve" by Lori Jean (clip done accapella) Watch for the single release May 18 at iTunes and the full song performed 3:00pm PST #periscope #lorijean #whataboutgoodoldeve #release

My Release Schedule #lorijean #music #releases

Release Schedule You get to see some covers, Just Like Yesterday is my own temporary, and a video intro, and all the audio highlights to each song. Have fun please. One song is free. Yeah!!

#proudmom #singlemom #lorijean #rockermom

I'm the comeback kid of single moms. I went from corporate, to homeschool mom, to top charts rock singer and songwriter with Factory Fast Records-all on my own. Come here my funny single mom challenges. Can't repeat some here. Lol Favor Talk Radio June 2 - Under Events Tab for more info.

6 Segment Ideas Pia's Records #pilot #lorijean

I've been very open about my funny life story in Pia's Records, screenplay for tv or movie segments/pilot. I have so much love and fun I remember as a child to share through my music in such a funny way. The Hayhousesummit Brendon Burchard is speaking now. More that you talk, write, think and share of your ideas to come to reality the easier it is to make it happen. This series, Pia's Records, brings me so much joy to my music. Beyoncé was smart to link HBO movie with her with her music release. I think focusing strongly on the beautiful Spanish culture brings attention to my Portugese culture. I'll give you a hint on one: we used to have block parties with music and local bands in our town growing up. Pia connects to a crush/her crush and/or identifies with the homeless kids.