Poem and Hurts So Bad Outside song #lorijean #ep #music #youdidn'tevenwantourbaby

Hello, I'm learning and being able to close the chapter of many beatings to my body starting the summer of 2010-2011. The emotional and physical pain instead of it killing me I felt to share in an ep. I hope it helps others. Here is the last song to show you. Hurts So Bad Outside at Soundcloud as well. Also, I had one more verse of words to share that I won't put into a song but feel the need to express my injuries in full. Poem “Cracked Back” by Lori Jean I used to walk straight even had a straight jaw now I walk huddled over with my cracked back the knock on the right side added to it and pushed it along I pull across the floor crouching over like never before I pull my eyes up another day I push along Can't take enough pills to get rid of the pain You severed all the nerves about 3 feet long all along the side I wanted to play guitar on It all sounds like green eggs and ham now that I can now only dr...