Meaning of "Just LikeYesterday" #groovetramp #factoryfastrecords #lorijean #foundit

I apologize for not having this out earlier for the song that was released July 26th. I had it under lyrics and thought that I had lost it and felt I couldn't recreate this again. Here it is and I hope you enjoy it. With familiarity of everything you’ve once known and believed in, it makes it so easy, especially when you’re looking back on 20 years or more, to look at love or a situation you once felt comfortable in as your haven of the past that still sits with you. Of course, you have to rationalize the fact that your realm of the past can be miles away from the thoughts of those or a situation you once knew. But when reading or listening to music (reflecting back), we can’t help but to summon upon those special moments that were part of our growth and or growing that contributed to our life; they are ours by all means. Though the past can clash with thoughts to our realm of today, we need to keep them close to our hearts and minds and cherish what they have given to u...