Cherry Blossom #newsong #lorijeanfinnila #indie #groove


Cherry Blossom

How do I learn
to feel the same
you do about me

I remember every year
the cherry blossoms
falling off the tree
I was beautiful to you
and me

Then I could see love
So simply so easily
You smiled when I approached
when you see you'd touched me

I remember every year
the cherry blossoms
falling off the tree
I was beautiful to you
and me

Now it's cold and I wither
I can't see how that day once was...
I'm alone but surviving
without you in this cold cold world
You told me I never could
But I did

I remember every year the cherry blossoms
falling off the tree
I was beautiful to you and me

You took my love
I didn't see it through
You took my confidence
from me of the ability I had of love
of what we had

now it's all gone
you want me back

I remember every year
the cherry blossoms
falling off the tree
I was beautiful to you
and me

Watch for the making of it and the new track at:  Lori Jean Finnila singer songwriter podcast


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